The Company 

1.1  Welcome on (hereafter the “Website”), the official online shop of the single shareholder company Brand No More S.r.l. (hereafter the “Company”). 

1.2  The Website is managed and updated by the Company, headquartered in Milan, in via Palermo 18, 20121, Italy, and registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Milano Monza Brianza Lodi with company number/VAT number 11481580964; REA N. MI 2606057 and fully paid-in share capital of 10.000 Euros.

Contacts for information and Website services

2.1  For assistance on your orders, shipments, returns of items purchased on the Website, as well as to provide feedback on your customer experience on our Website, please contact us at:

2.2  Before contacting us, please make sure you have read and understood the following Terms of Use, as well as our Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. These documents are all easily accessible online on our Website.

Basic definitions about accessing and browsing our Website 

Account: the series of functions, tools, contents linked to a Username, that enable the exclusive use of certain services on the Website. 

Username: the name that allows the Website to identify and log in the Registered User. Coupled with a Password, it allows access to the User’s personal account.

User: anyone who has access to the Website and its non-exclusive contents.

Registered User: anyone who accesses the Website for personal and non-professional use, through personal Username and Password, which are issued by the Website in order to enable access to the Users’ personal account. The term “User” includes both registered and non-registered users, who don’t have access to reserved sections.

Website: all web pages and hypertext structures which reside on a server. It includes any IT content, such as softwares, codes, databases, texts, images, animations, audio/video files, distinctive signs such as logos, and any other technical solution, visible or operational.  

Materials: Any content of the Website, such as, but not limited to, texts, images, files, database, audio/video, design and layout, animations, multimedia/hypertext elements, in any support, format, dimension, extension, version, or distribution/transmission technology. 

Intellectual Property rights: intellectual property rights are guaranteed and protected by national and international laws, and comprise, but are not limited to, rights on patents, designs, copyrights, present and future, trademarks (registered or de facto), brands, names, companies, know-how, domains, databases.

Acceptance of rules on access and use of the Website

4.1  The access and use of the Website are regulated by the following Terms of Use. By visiting the Website, as well as by purchasing any goods and/or services on the Website, the User accepts the following Terms of Use, as well as the Terms and Conditions, Cookie Policy, and Privacy Policy

4.2  Should the user not accept, partly or entirely, the Terms of Use, Terms and Conditions, Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy, the user should leave the Website and not use any of its functions and services.

4.3  The Company has the right to unilaterally update the Terms of Use at any time. The updated version will be posted on this web page and will be accessible via the link on the Website’s homepage, and will be effective immediately upon posting.

Use of the Website only for personal activity

5.1  Accessing and using the Website, including downloading images and information about goods sold on the Website, as well as purchasing of goods, is allowed only for personal/domestic use, and excludes any other use, such as commercial or professional. 

5.2  Users may view, copy, print Materials from the Website exclusively for personal/domestic use, and for informational purposes only, provided Materials will not be modified and/or used for commercial/business purposes.

5.3  The trademark, marketing names and images of goods sold, as well as the design and texts of the Website are property of the Company (rif. Art. 13 and 14). Nothing in the present Terms of Use may be interpreted as an authorisation to license intellectual property rights belonging to the Company.

Requirements to subscribe to the Website and policy for minors

6.1  In order to access and use the Website as a Registered User, the User is required to register. The online registration and the issuing of Username and Password, are necessary conditions to be able to use functions, services and promotions reserved for Registered Users.  

6.2  In order to activate a personal account, the User needs to register on the Website, compiling the form available at this web page: (link), where the User’s personal information will be requested (see Art. 10 below).

6.3  Not withstanding the applicable privacy regulations, minors, as well as those deemed not fully capable, will need to be assisted and authorised to purchase on this Website by their legal guardians. Parents, guardians and the like, are therefore urged to supervise minors and incapacitated individuals, activating Parental Controls and other Settings available on browsers, search engines, smartphones, tablets and other devices.

Links to external websites: policy and liability

7.1  Our Website may contain hyperlinks (links) to third party web pages, platforms or social networks outside our website. These links have the purpose of facilitating web navigation for users, by enabling easy access to online contents we think might be useful and relevant for the user and the purchase process. The inclusion of such links represent only a suggestion to facilitate access to such contents and the Company is not responsible or liable for third party contents, goods or services sold. 

7.2  The Company is not responsible or liable for third party websites and their contents, which may be modified at any time by the third party website’s administrators. Should the Company be made aware of any illicit contents featured in these third party websites, we will remove immediately the links from our Website. The Company is under no circumstances responsible for contents of third party websites and their treatment of the User’s personal information. The User should therefore make sure to check the Terms and Conditions of third party websites, as well as their Privacy Policy. 

7.3  The present Terms of Use, as well as our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy do not apply to third party websites, web pages, platforms or social networks.

Links to our Website and meta-tag/keywords

8.1  If you are a third party interested in activating a hyperlink to our Website, please contact us at: 

8.2  The Company will take action to block or remove links to our Website that promote illicit commercial practices, unfair competition, violations of Intellectual Property rights. 

8.3  We do not allow hyperlinks that feature embedding, inline linking, or other types of deep linking - hotlinking, such as certain types of framing (inline frame), or non-authorised use of meta-tag/keywords that contain distinctive signs related to our Company (see Art. 14).

Languages and international access  

9.1  The Website is featured in Italian and in English. 

9.2  The Terms of Use and Terms and Conditions are available in Italian. When translated in other languages, the only version with legal value is the Italian version, notwithstanding the most favourable interpretation to consumers and their rights recognised by the law in their country of residence (see Art. 16.1 of Terms of Use). 

9.3  The Website is accessible from anywhere from computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices, and promotes goods mainly intended for the Italian and the European Union markets.  Purchase orders from other countries or territories can be processed in accordance with the User on a case by case basis. In such cases, the delivery location needs to be agreed upon in advance with the User. The Company may however suspend or cancel, with short notice and without penalty, any sale/promotion/service, should any legal/fiscal/customs obstacles (and in any case objective obstacles, not subjective obstacles related to only the users geolocation) preclude the delivery of the order and/or the execution of the contract with Users residents of countries or territories outside the European Union.

Accuracy of personal information provided and password security

10.1  Users are responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of their personal information provided to us, including personal information necessary for us to issue personal login details, such as username and password, in order to access their personal account.

10.2  In order to register to our Website, Users are required to provide personal information such as name, surname, email address, date of birth. This information needs to be up-to-date, accurate, truthful. It is the User’s responsibility to update these personal information, should any changes occur.

10.3  All Registered Users are required to keep their own login details secure, and inform us immediately should they be aware of any unauthorised activity on their account. The Company will likewise immediately notify the Registered User should we become aware of any illegitimate activity on their personal account on our Website.

Privacy Policy and secure Website 

11.1  Users and Registered Users are invited to read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, to learn how the Company uses their personal information to enable navigation and access to contents on our Website. 

11.2  The Company adopts security measures, both operational and technological (hardware and software), to ensure the security of the Website.

Illegal use of the Website and malfunction 

12.1  By accessing the Website, Users bear the sole responsibility for the use of the Website and the fruition of its Materials. The Company is not liable for any illicit use of the Website, or any use not in accordance with current laws. In particular, Users bear the sole responsibility for providing inaccurate, untruthful information as well as providing information belonging to third parties without their consent and in general for any unlawful use of the Website. Should the User download any Material from the Website, the Company is not liable for any damage caused to computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices, software and/or for loss of data. This liability will fall upon the User only, save for wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the Company’s part. 

12.2  The Company declines any responsibility for damages related to malfunction, suspension, interruption, or inaccessibility of the Website and its contents, that are caused by force majeure, chance or misuse by the User. Save for wilful misconduct or gross negligence, the Company is not liable for damages caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, cancelations caused by third parties, network, network providers or connections (phone, electric, telematic). Notwithstanding the adopted precautions according to Art. 11.2, the Company declines any responsibility related to damages caused by unauthorised access to the Website by third parties. The Company is not liable for malfunctions of User’s hardware and software. The Company will inform Users, with notifications posted on the Website’s homepage, of any planned interruption of service, and any other anomalies in the functions and services of the Website and its online shop. 

Copyright protection of Materials featured on the Website

13.1  The Website, as well as any Material featured, are protected by copyright laws. The Website and its Materials cannot be, entirely or partially, copied, reproduced, transferred, downloaded, distributed, without previous consent from the Company, save for strictly personal/domestic uses as outlined in Art. 13.2.

13.2  Users may: i) view the Website and its Materials, only for legitimate purposes, as per Art. 5 of the Terms of Use; ii) temporarily reproduce, without any commercial purpose, for personal and transitory use only, Materials featured on the Website.

13.3  Any other activity, not outlined in the present Terms of Use, needs to be approved by the Company. Any authorisation will be granted only for activities deemed legal and in compliance with copyrights and intellectual property rights of the Company and/or of other authors of Materials included in the Website.

Exclusivity of distinctive signs and domain name

14.1  The brand, commercial names, the logo, the domain and any other distinctive signs featured in the Website are property of the Company. These distinctive signs may not be used, entirely or partially, in their literal and/or figurative components, for any professional, commercial or business purposes without consent from the Company and/or other authors who may detain the rights.

14.2  The Company will immediately prosecute in the competent fora any unauthorised use of its distinctive signs featured in the Website. By way of example but not limited to, the distinctive signs and their declinations may not be used as web address or domain, meta-tag/keyword Adv. without written consent from the Company. Moreover, any distinctive sign, same or similar as featured in the Website, may not be used as company name or business sign, should this cause confusion for the general public, or constitute a risk of association of distinctive signs. 

14.3  The Company has total discretion in granting authorisation for the use of its distinctive signs for professional, commercial or business purposes, notwithstanding the allowed use for personal purposes.

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

15.1  As per European regulation (UE 524/2013), Users may refer to bodies or offices in charge of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), through simple, quick, cheap online procedures, to solve any controversy regarding the use of the Website or online purchases. 

15.2  For further information regarding Online Dispute Resolution procedures, please visit:  Online Dispute Resolution

Applicable law and competent court 

16.1  Any controversy between Users and the Company, related to the use of the Website, will be regulated by Italian law and will be administered by the judges of the consumer forum. Notwithstanding that Users will be granted the consumer rights of their country of residence. 

16.2  For further references on applicable laws and competent court, please refer to art. 66 bis of the Consumer Code; art. 18 Reg. UE 1215/2012; art. 6 Reg. UE 593/2008; art. 3 and 57 Reg. 218/1995.